Worship Jesus
A Feast of Praise and Worship - Recorded Live at a Special Praise Gathering, Christ for the Nations Institute, Dallas, 1986
This tape means a lot to me. Some of the most precious songs of my Christian youth were learned from this album, even though we didn't sing that many of them in Church.
Let me tell you a story. I had to search far and wide for the original tape for this remastering. You see, I had lent this tape out to a lady in our Church about ten years before, and, sadly true to form for many Christians, she'd gone and lost it for me. I couldn't believe it when, after all those years, I found a copy of the tape on the website of an obscure little Christian bookshop in New Zealand. I ordered the tape, and to my great joy it arrived a mere five days later. I wept when the new tape arrived, and promptly played the tape, bringing it all back in a rush. Superb. Thank You, Lord!
This is a lovely tape, characterised as usual by the exuberance of the Dallas CFNI congregation. It begins with an uplifting medley of upbeat praise songs, and then the excellent 'Hear o ye Kings', eventually progressing to the beautifully humble 'Teach me Your way, O Lord' and the majestic 'Hosanna, Magnify the Lord and sing'.
A particularly interesting track on this tape is the well-known worship song, Sondra Corbett's 'I worship You, Almighty God', but sung like you have probably never heard it sung before. This is what you might call the 'full' version - it has verses, which really add to the song and flesh it out. In fact, this song was the reason that lady had borrowed my original tape from me in the first place....
Status: Recorded and processed - music preserved!
Track List
- I came to glorify
- Whoso Offereth praise
- Let God Arise
- Ah Lord God (The first four songs are arranged as a continuous medley)
- I Will Sing
- Hear o ye kings
- O Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Your Name
- To Him Who sits on the Throne
- You are my God, You are my King
- Prayer
- Teach me Your way, O Lord
- I will greatly rejoice in the Lord
- O come let us sing unto the Lord
- Praise
- Hosanna, Magnify the Lord and sing
- Praise the Lord, worship His majesty
- Jesus, fragrant rose
- I worship You, Almighty God
- Arise, shine