Times of Refreshing
Live Worship from Restoration Bible Week, 1987
Some of the finest songs of the era are on this tape; songs we used to sing a lot at my Church. In terms of musical style, these songs are still simple enough to worship to; they were released not long before songs started to get either more complex (both instrumentally and vocally) or began to lose their melody. (Sadly many modern worship songs are what I call 'melody-free' (i.e. no tune to them), but there's none of that here)
Beginning with the wonderfully upbeat 'How good it is' and then on into the lovely 'Give thanks with a grateful heart', a classic of its time, and including many other such gems, this is a great album which fully deserves its place among the many other 'greats' on this site. The people who made this tape did an excellent job both in terms of arrangements, performance, mixing and of course the reality of the worship itself. This tape will put a grin on your face and a song in your heart.
Status: Recorded and processed - music preserved!
Track List
- How good it is
- Give thanks with a grateful heart
- Mighty God, King of Kings
- I love You my Lord
- I love You Father with all my heart
- Great, Great are You Marvellous Lord
- We are stilled by Your Presence
- You sat down at the right hand
- Praise the Name of Jesus Christ
- I will dwell in the shelter of the Most High
- Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
- Celebrate!
- I will give thanks to the Lord
- I want to serve the purpose of God