Sing Praises Unto God
Worship from Dales Bible Week, 1983
After nearly thirty years, the worship on this tape is still as fresh and inspring as it was when it was recorded. Drawing heavily on songs that the Harvestime people had learned from their Texan brethren at Christ for the Nations, some of the tracks on this album are of the same songs as featured on some of the other compilations on this site, but flavoured with the distinctive style and sound of the Dales worship band.
While this album lacks some of the continuity of other albums featured here, this is intentional as it was never meant to be a continuous worship experience, rather just single songs drawn from across the Dales Bible Week 1983 as a whole. Remember that there's a whole week of worship sampled here!
A particularly poignant feature of this album is that several of the tracks begin with the end of the sermon for the evening meeting, leading into the final song. The voice on these segments is that of the late Bryn Jones, one of the main leaders of the Restoration Movement. Although Bryn was sometimes seen by his detractors as a controversial figure, I do feel that on this album, Bryn's deep humility and love for Jesus come across beautifully with these short sound bites of his. A great man who is sorely missed.
I would say that probably the most important track on this compilation is the Prophetic Solo by John Daniel Lawtum. As far as
I remember, he'd come across from Dallas to help lead the worship, and he was on the platform. I was there and I remember it clearly: during a period of singing 'in the Spirit', he was suddenly inspired to step forward and sing that solo into the microphone. Most moving and the solo is just as important today as is was then.
Status: Recorded and processed - music preserved!
Both Tape and Vinyl LP versions of this album are available - the tape version has been split into individual tracks; the LP has not, and is recorded as one long track for each side of the vinyl.
Track List
- We worship You O God in this temple
- We will take this land for Jesus
- I hear the sound of the army of the Lord
- At Your Feet we fall
- Rain Cloud by John Daniel Lawtum
- You are worthy, Lord You're worthy (taught by the writer of this song, John Daniel Lawtum)
- Pierce my ear
- Jesus is King
- Prophetic solo by John Daniel Lawtum
- As the deer
- Thou art worthy Great Jehovah
- Worthy O Worthy/Hallelujah Lamb upon the Throne
- Holy, Holy Lord
