Songs of Celebration - Worship from Dales Bible Week, 1978
One of the best of the Dales praise and worship tapes in the collection, Songs of Celebration brings together a huge collection of songs, all recorded during live worship in that cattle shed in Harrogate that provided the worship focus for Dales Week. With a strong piano lead from Ian Frost, and David Matthew playing a lovely Hammond organ too, the album reflects all that is best of the Dales worship style. Spontaneously led, with no pre-scripting, no fancy frills, this album features such classics as 'When I feel the touch', David Mansell's 'Jesus is Lord' and the brilliantly-accompanied 'Alleliua, Alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord' seguing into 'For His Name is exalted' and then into spontaneous singing in Tongues. Tongues worship on this tape is free and unfettered by the addition of drums as was introduced into later Dales worship - drums are fine in their place but when every Tongues song is 'directed' by a driving rhythm, sometimes it kind of spoils things in my opinion. But this doesn't happen on this album. Frost's leadership on the piano is sensitive both to the congregation and to the Holy Spirit, and his mastery of his instrument and his closeness to the Lord shine through in equal measure, for those who have the ears to hear.
Status: Recorded and processed - music preserved!
Track List
- Praise the Name of Jesus
- Worship
- Come bless the Lord
- Behold the darkness (Arise, Shine)
- Sing, Sing Hallelujah
- He is here
- When I feel the touch
- O Father I do love You
- Jesus take me as I am
- We have come into this house
- Prepare the way of the Lord
- I will sing unto the Lord
- I will enter His gates
- Jesus is Lord
- We'll sing a new song
- Thy throne O God
- Lord God, Heavenly King
- Jesus Name above all names
- Alleluia, Alleluia
- For His Name is exalted
- Worship
- I will extol You
- Make a joyful noise
- We are a kingdom
- O Lord You've done great things
- Worship