A Feast of Praise and Worship - Recorded Live at a Special Praise Gathering, Christ for the Nations Institute, Dallas, 1987
This is quite simply a brilliant recording. The worship opens with 'It is good to praise The Lord', where the pianist, as always, excels himself, as do the drummer and bassist. It's as if each verse is played with a different accompaniment style. Simply brilliant. Then into the usual exuberant praise session which is typical of CFNI worship tapes, including the faintly ridiculous 'My Soul Escaped'. The eponymous title track 'Celebrate' is uplifting and joyful, although what kind of party whistle they've got in the congregation at the end of this song escapes me..... The joyful theme continues into 'I Offer myself, a living sacrifice', segueing beautifully into 'Your Name's above All Names'.
Side 2 of the tape begins with 'The Lord Reigneth', including a beautifully-done synth/piano instrumental/voiceover read from Daniel 7:13, 'I saw in the night visions, and behold One like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven...' Brilliant. The excellent worship continues through several songs, culminating in the incomparable DuPlessis classic, 'I want to sing until I am lost in Your Love'. You just can't stop your hands raising while that song is playing, so best not listen to it while you're driving a car or pushing a pram downhill. This has to be one of the best tapes they ever did - it's intimate and reverent and yet at the same time it's uplifting and joyful, and really doesn't take itself seriously. Listen to it in that vein and you won't go far wrong!
The Stateside release was called 'The Lord Reigneth'
Status: Recorded and processed - music preserved!

Track List
- It Is Good To Praise The Lord
- It Is A Good Thing
- I Will Praise Thee O Lord
- I'm Free
- My Soul Escaped
- Celebrate!
- The Secret of the Lord
- I Love To Sing
- People of God
- I Offer Myself, A Living Sacrifice
- Your Name's Above All Names
- O Come Let Us Sing Unto The Lord
- The Lord Reigneth
- Arise O Lord
- I Will Exalt You, Father
- I Am A Believer
- I Have Been Delivered
- Make A Joyful Noise/God Is Gone Up With A Shout
- I Want To Sing Until I am Lost in Your Love
- Come Let Us Worship and Bow Down
- Be Exalted O God
- Now Unto Him Who Is Able