Arise Shine - Worship from Dales Bible Week, 1977
Probably the earliest Dales tape that the Harvestime people did. This is worship from the second Dales Bible Week at Harrogate in 1977; the first such Bible Week had been held the previous year.
The music on this album is raw and almost unprocessed. However the enthusiasm and reality of the worship still shines through; on some of the later Dales tapes there were some tracks that were almost 'set-pieces' for the recording studio (although they were performed live) and were virtually note-perfect - there is none of this on this one! Nostalgia for those who were there at this milestone event half a lifetime ago.....
Sadly, but unsurprisingly, this tape was not as well-preserved as the others I have handled, but most of the tracks on my tape were still very good quality. The exception was towards the end of the first half of the 'tape', in 'For his Name is exalted' and on into the tongues worship, the volume suffered from some flutter... fortunately, a very kind contributor has donated a new recording to this site which improves the quality overall. My sincerest thanks to him!
Status: Recorded and processed - music preserved!

Track List
- The nations shall see you justified
- Come and praise Him, Royal Priesthood
- Jesus is changing me
- For I'm building a people of power
- His Name is higher than any other
- Praise waiteth for Thee O Lord
- Ah Lord God
- Hallelujah for the Lord Our God
- For Unto us a child is born
- Lift up your hands in holiness
- For His Name is exalted
- Worship (1)
- I have made a covenant
- I've got Joy
- You are the King of Glory
- He is my God
- Our God reigns!
- I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live
- We magnify Your Name O Lord
- O how I love Jesus
- Worship (2)